In-app Vouchers
What figures as in-app voucher in our system is equivalent to what on the Apple/Google end is termed as introduction offer. The introduction offer is in fact a discounted price for a specific product ID (=in-app) that the end-user is presented with when dealing with certain in-app purchases.
As a merchant, you are the one presenting your end-users with an appealing offer (with discounted price for a certain in-app) by creating the in-app voucher.
To create an in-app voucher, you need to specify the following information:
Voucher Title - carries the title of the voucher that will appear in the merchant panel;
Voucher Discount Percent - refers to the discount percent that will be applied when the voucher has been used;
Repeating Voucher - specifies the number of cycles that the voucher is to be applied to the given asset/in-app (have your repeating voucher predefined with the number of cycles between 1 and 12);
Start & End Date - indicate the dates defining the duration period that the voucher is valid for usage;
Asset & Access Fee - refers to the selected product ID (according to Apple/Google's terminology) or what in our system is termed as access fee to which a voucher is applied. As the voucher is always linked to one access fee, the UI will direct the end-user to selecting an asset and access fee to which the voucher will be applied;
Application - refers to the platform that the voucher will attend to - Apple or Google.
During the voucher creation process, our system generates a voucher code value automatically. Therefore, whenever you specify or update an access fee for which the voucher is valid, the voucher code gets updated as well.
The reason we need vouchers on our end is so that we can create discounted prices in our system, as well. Therefore, once the introduction offer has been purchased, our system will fetch the voucher for that product ID in our system and apply the appropriate discount percent.
It is important to note that you will be able to use only the pay-as-you-go introductory offer from the Apple/Google end with a voucher created on our side. Regarding the discount percent, you should calculate the discount percent between the original and the discounted price and then enter that value on our end.